Sidan publicerades 2024-05-31
PTS Spectrum Policy PTS-ER-2024:15
Radio spectrum is a limited natural resource with a very high value. Its value lies in the fact that radio spectrum is a necessary input for a wide range of services and
applications. This includes wireless communication for work, utility and leisure, but also for security, crisis preparedness, national defence, research, and more.
In Sweden, the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) is the responsible
authority for spectrum management. This means that it is our responsibility to
manage the common resource for the benefit of society as a whole.
The role of the spectrum management authority carries significant responsibility, not least in light of a changed security situation. In order to fulfill our responsibility in a way that creates the greatest possible value for Sweden, it is important that we work logically and thoughtfully with transparency in our spectrum management. This means that we always, at every occasion and in every situation, should strive to maximise the societal benefit of radio spectrum in Sweden over time.
This spectrum policy outlines a number of strategies that contribute to PTS working towards the authority's vision, that the societal benefit of radio spectrum in Sweden is maximised over time, as well as towards the goal to enable a diversity of radio uses.
PTS' spectrum policy replaces the authority's spectrum strategy from 2014.