Radio spectrum is a valuable and scarce common resource that benefits both individuals and organizations.

The vision for PTS spectrum management is to maximise the long-term societal benefit of radio spectrum in Sweden.The goal is that through spectrum management, we create conditions for a diversity of radio uses.

Spectrum Policy – strategies for our actions in four areas

To achieve the goal and vision, we have identified a number of strategies for our actions in four areas. These areas are international harmonization and standardization, spectrum planning, rights of use, conditions and allocation methods, as well as sharing and secondary trading.


  • We should act neutrally in relation to the interests of different stakeholders, with the societal benefit of frequency usage in Sweden as the focus. 
  • We should strive for international harmonization involving as many countries as possible, while maximizing Sweden's opportunities for efficient frequency usage. In international harmonization efforts.
  • We should advocate for considering the possibility of sharing between different uses of the radio spectrum.
  • We should work to ensure that only the conditions necessary to enable technically efficient frequency usage constitute the harmonized technical conditions.
  • We should strive to ensure that technical parameters for radio transmitters are not unnecessarily permissive and that the characteristics of radio receivers are improved to make them less susceptible to interference.
  • We should work to actively review mandatory harmonization decisions at the EU level (e.g., directives and implementing decisions) periodically.
  • We should work on analyzing the needs and demands for frequencies, utilization rates in different frequency bands, and monitoring technological and societal developments.
  • We should strive to place all radio uses in the long term within or move them to frequency ranges where the highest socioeconomic efficiency can be achieved.
  • We should facilitate for permit seekers to choose a suitable frequency band from a socioeconomic efficient perspective by providing information, guidance, and some control in the application process.
  • In choosing between different rights of use, we can employ socioeconomic analysis.
  • We should only impose conditions that ensure purposeful and efficient frequency usage.
  • The allocation of frequencies should be guided by demand and willingness to pay, except for certain collective benefits.
  • We should always consider the possibility of sharing in licensing, both in the near and distant future.
  • Secondary trading of licenses, through transfer or rental, is a way to achieve more efficient frequency usage.

Spectrum orientation plan

The Spectrum Orientation Plan describes the current and planned use of different frequency bands in Sweden. The plan also describes anticipated changes and licensing methods. The plan should be seen as an orientation and an overview, rather than an exhaustive list. It is non-binding and can and will change over time without notice.

This translation of the Spectrum Orientation Plan is for information only. Please note that in the event of any discrepancy between the English version and the Swedish original, the latter will take priority.


