You need a licence from us to use marine radio (VHF) on a recreational boat.

Apply for a licence by using our e-service or our web form (both services in Swedish only). The e-service requires that you log in with electronic identification and allows you to apply for, modify, or terminate licences. When you apply via the e-service, you also get instant access to your licence. The web form can be used without login. 

You can choose whether to use the e-service or the web form via the link:

Application for permission for VHF radio on a recreational boat (e-service)

In order to operate the maritime VHF band, you must also have a certificate. These are issued, for example, by the Swedish Council for the Education and Training of Yachtsmen (NFB). More information on the requirements and examination officials can be found at the NFB web site.

NFB web site ( 
