Apply for numbering resources from technical plans.

In addition to the numbering plan for telephony, we are responsible for other numbering and addressing plans, known as technical plans. This includes plans such as the plan for the public data communications network X.121 and the plan for international signaling point codes Q.708. We grant permissions within these technical plans based on various standards and technical specifications from international, European, or national standardization bodies.

Search in the numbering plans

In our e-service, you can search within the various numbering plans. You can filter, for example, assigned or available number resources and see the current status. There is also the possibility to export the results from your searches to, for example, Excel.

Search in numbering plans (e-service)

This indicates the status when you search in the numbering plans

Free: The number resource is available for application.

Occupied: We cannot allocate the number resource because it is either blocked, planned, or designated for a specific application as decided in the telephone numbering plan or in the technical plan.

Dormant: The number resource has been returned and should remain unused for a period before we can allocate it again. The dormant period is normally six months (one year for technical codes).

Assigned: An entity has been granted permission by us to use the number resource.

Reserved: Allocated number resource that we can open and thereby make available for entities to apply for.

Application from technical plans

How to apply for numbering resources in technical plans – please read the guideline. (In Swedish only).

Guideline applying for numbering resources from technical plans

If you apply for MNC for private networks – use this guideline. (In Swedish only).

Guideline for MNC for private networks

Withdraw or transfer numbering resources

Form for withdrawal of numbering resources

Form for transfering numbering resources to another operator/provider

National Signalling Point Codes (NSPC)

Application form NSPC

International Signalling Point Codes (ISPC)

Application form ISPC

Mobile Network Codes (MNC)

Application form MNC

Mobile Network Codes (MNC) for private networks

Application form MNC for private networks

Routing numbers for Number Portability

Application form numbers for Number Portability

Issuer Identifier Numbers (IIN)

Application form IIN

Data Network Identification Codes (DNIC)

Application form DNIC

TETRA Mobile Network Codes ((T)MNC)

Application form (T)MNC

Closed User Group Interlock Codes (CUG IC)

Application form CUG IC

