The Government prescribes by means of ordinances how PTS shall be financed. PTS’s operations are funded by charges, which among other things mean that those who have been notified shall pay certain charges. PTS issues charges regulations annually, where the charges are determined. Currently, charges are regulated by PTSFS 2023:4. The charges regulations are revised annually. The information shown below relates to the year 2024.
The annual turnover forming the basis of charges refers to the turnover during the immediately preceding financial year of the operation referred to in the notification. It is prescribed by the provisions that different charges apply for those notified having a turnover (for the operation subject to a notification obligation) exceeding or alternatively under SEK 5 million.
Those subject to a notification obligation, shall when submitting the notification, pay a processing charge of 1 000 kronor. PTS will issue an invoice for this when the notification has been received.
Those subject to a notification obligation with a turnover that is equal to or exceeds SEK 30 million per year, for the operation subject to the notification obligation, shall pay an annual charge to PTS. This charge amounts to 0,178 per cent of the annual turnover of the operation subject to the notification obligation.
Furthermore, those subject to a notification obligation with a turnover that is equal to or exceeds SEK 30 million per year, for the operation subject to the notification obligation, shall also pay an annual emergency surcharge to PTS. This charge amounts to 0,187 per cent of the annual turnover of the operation subject to the notification obligation. For further details see, or contact PTS.
There is also a charge on radio and telecommunications terminal equipment, RED (turnover under SEK 5 million = SEK 300, turnover over SEK 5 million = 0,0065 per cent of turnover) for further details see, or contact PTS. All operators that are notified in Sweden are subject to this fee.
The annual fee for settlement of disputes and supervision under Chapter 5 Section 1 of the Act (2016:534) on measures for deployment of broadband networks, (turnover under SEK 10 million = SEK 250, turnover over SEK 10 million = 0,0025 per cent of turnover).
In order for PTS to impose the correct annual charge for the forthcoming year, an information request is dispatched annually (usually in January every year) to those notified, which should be completed and returned to PTS.
If details of annual turnover are not received, are lacking or inadequate, the annual turnover will be estimated.